Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sept 20th - Crested Butte

Last weekend we decided to leave our tent up in our camping spot up Slate River Rd since we had had a lot of fun and the tent was wet when we woke up in the morning.

So that meant for this weekend we were heading back to Crested Butte again!

We had so much fun on 401 the previous weekend we decided to start the weekend on that again. The leaves everywhere were fully turned now and the colors around the place were just outstanding.

We have a new way of getting started in the morning when we are not taking the dogs on a ride with us. As each of us is getting ready someone takes a bike and rides the bike out along a trail and back again so they get a bit of a run as well.

I was feeling strong this weekend but Amber was still under the weather a little from a tough week of work and a cold.

Scenic vistas in every direction. Even the grass as it browns after the summer added to the color.

Crested Butte is good times and pretty views.

Amber was pretty beat up by the time we reached the high point and rested a little before we started downhill.

My bike has gotten heavy over the past 2 years but, oh boy, it is fun to ride!

Colors on the open slopes of 401.

The ride down felt like it was even more fun than last weekend.

This time we bought Bishop along as well as she can keep up pretty well. By the time we were in the tree section she started to slow down and we had to wait a little but it was not that bad.

Unfortunately rain came in while we were having lunch and then stayed all night and into Sunday. So we did not get another ride in for the weekend and headed home happy again.

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